Sergio is an incumbent council member in Campbell. He is a regional leader in housing, environmental and transportation issues. Vice Mayor Lopez serves on the board of directors of the Valley Transportation Authority and the Bay Area Air Quality Management District.
Sergio, a proud child of immigrants and the first in his family to attend college, graduated from Yale and has worked at all levels of government and as an author and historian whose writing has been published in Time and other magazines.
Sergio supports a phase-out of all natural gas use as soon as possible, and on the Air Quality Management District board, Sergio supported the new “zero NOx” rules to phase out polluting methane gas appliances. He also voted with the council unanimously in August 2024 for Campbell’s own Zero-NOx ordinance to protect indoor and outdoor air quality in new construction. He has made these rules a major priority to ensure equity in the rollout of these rules.
In addition, Sergio has been a champion for Campbell’s Climate Action and Adaptation Plan and supports developing affordable multifamily, transit-oriented housing to reduce commute distances and associated pollution. He has also signed the No Fossil Fuel Money Pledge.
Website : (better site for info about him)
Image credit: Sergio Lopez campaign, used with permission
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