We are happy to endorse Laura Sparks for Cotati City Council. Her background in physics and astronomy gives her a clear understanding of the science of climate change. And as a Santa Rosa Junior College professor, she communicates effectively on this issue.
Laura is an active, collaborative public servant. She has worked to incentivize innovative “Cottage Housing” that creates efficient, affordable units, and to support infill on existing lots.
She is engaged in climate change education and hopes to help Cotati lead on stream and groundwater preservation, green economy opportunities, conservation measures, and building a culture of cycling supported by infrastructure everyone can use.
Laura is concerned that no one be left behind: she will include low-income households in low-cost efforts to weatherize and electrify, supports bringing those most affected by policies to the table to help create them, and will vote against new fossil fuel infrastructure in favor of universally accessible electrification and clean energy.
Find the Sparks Campaign on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SparksCotatiCouncil/
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