How to Postcard – Go Green! Vote Blue! Your Voice Matters. Get Ready to Write!

Our 2022 Postcard Outreach in collaboration with Activate America began on Tuesday, March 15th. 

Postcarding makes a difference in voter turnout.  A brief, positive, personalized, legible message that invites voters to take action is key, as is signing the card as a volunteer (first name only). This personal touch increases the effectiveness of postcard outreach. 

Who? You.

What? Handwrite and hand-address postcards to known voters in designated California Congressional Districts. We are reaching out to people who voted in the last general election and whose votes are critically needed in the June 7th primary election, and again in the November 8th general election.

How? Request a list of 20 or more names and addresses from Lynne, our Postcard Campaign lead, at (You will also receive clear, concise directions as to how to prepare and send your postcards.) Then fill out and send the postcards. 

Need supplies? Here they are:

If purchasing your own postcards and stamps is financially difficult, please let Lynne know. 

When? Postcarding begins on March 15 and continues until we’ve reached all the voters on our initial list. After that, we’ll ask for more!

Why? Postcarding makes a huge difference! And the postcard plan you’ll be using provides all of us at 350 Bay Area Action with access to the most current and carefully vetted voter lists.

Visit the Go Green Vote Blue website page for more information  for 2022 midterm election campaign.