Anu is a challenger for an open council seat in the City of Milpitas and currently serves on the Milpitas Unified School District’s Board of Education. She feels strongly that sustainability is important because we only have one planet Earth, and that we owe our future generations, including our own children, a thriving environment.
Milpitas is the only city Anu has known since immigrating to the United States 23 years ago. With a multifaceted background spanning technology, finance, and community involvement, she has served on the Milpitas Unified School Board and volunteers with the PTA, Rotary, Girl Scouts, and Chamber of Commerce.
She would like to work with the Milpitas City Council on several climate priorities including:
- Increasing public transit for the City to help reduce the number of vehicles on the road;
- Creating EV/Solar credits for businesses and homes at the City level; and
- Increasing green cover for the City, including updating and renovating open spaces and parks as well as protecting the hills as green space.
Anu supports a phase-out of all natural gas use as soon as possible and supports the Air Quality Management District’s “zero NOx” rules to phase out polluting methane gas appliances.
Website : www.AnuNakkaForMilpitas.com
Image credit: Anu Nakka campaign, used with permission
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