IdaRose is a challenger seeking an open seat on the Mountain View City Council. She is engaged in numerous capacities in the community. She serves as chair of the Human Relations Commission, has served in a leadership role on the Environmental Sustainability Task Force, and is on the board of Carbon-Free Mountain View. She also serves as a city mediator and has held positions (volunteer or board member) for numerous other nonprofit organizations.
IdaRose is a fierce advocate for climate action, absolutely understands the urgency, and will be an excellent advocate for climate mitigation policy, education and resiliency. On the Environmental Sustainability Task Force she helped outline and successfully advocated for the need for a Sustainability Office and Chief Sustainability Officer in the city.
She understands the importance of housing as a climate solution, is interested in exploring the taxing of methane gas equipment or use to discourage it, and wants a clear, actionable plan to get to carbon neutrality. She supports a phase-out of all natural gas use as soon as possible, including the Air Quality Management District’s “no NOx” rules, to move away from polluting methane gas combustion to cleaner, healthier appliances in buildings.
Website : https://www.idarosesylvester.com/
Volunteer some time : Sign-up Form
Image credit: IdaRose Sylvester campaign, used with permission
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