George is a challenger for an open seat on the city council. He currently serves on Palo Alto’s Planning and Transportation Commission and is a product manager at Meta, focusing on systems to prevent harm and violence on Live videos, Instagram, and Facebook.
George also worked at a personal finance startup and at Bird, a scooter-sharing company.
George has been a leading advocate for more infill housing, particularly along transit-rich corridors, which reduces commutes and the associated emissions. He has supported traffic calming to make neighborhoods more bike- and pedestrian-friendly, as well as bike infrastructure to promote mode shifting from cars. This includes soon-to-come bike lanes along El Camino, a major corridor along the entire SF Peninsula.
George supports a phase-out of all methane gas use as soon as possible, including setting a target for phase-out in the city’s utility, building reach codes, and the Air Quality Management District’s “zero NOx” rules, to move away from polluting methane gas appliances. He advocates for simplifying the process for electric appliances, zoning, and permitting to encourage sustainability, including code updates that give residents more flexibility to install heat pumps and charging stations on their property.
George’s additional priorities include:
- Adoption of a Vision Zero goal to eliminate bike and pedestrian fatalities through a combination of infrastructure, education, and traffic enforcement;
- Updating the 2012 Bike and Pedestrian Plan and putting real funding toward the safety, accessibility, and convenience of car-free transportation;
- Promoting public transportation, in collaboration with regional partners, through faster and more frequent service; and
- Transit-oriented development along Caltrain and El Camino.
Website : https://www.georgeforpaloalto.com/
Volunteer some time : https://www.georgeforpaloalto.com/about-3
Image credit: George Lu campaign, used with permission
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