We need a Blue Wave on November 3rd—a huge voter turnout that elects candidates at all levels nationwide who understand the urgency to address climate change. The Blue Wave is possible, especially if we can make voting safe and easy for all voters through mail-in voting. We’ll avoid the long voting lines and increased COVID-19 cases that resulted in states like Wisconsin, and we’ll elect candidates who care about the planet!
The coronavirus pandemic poses a safety issue for in-person voting, both for voters and poll workers. Even without COVID-19, in-person voting can be challenging for the elderly, disabled, low-income and rural voters. Add to the challenge efforts designed to suppress the vote, including precinct closures that disproportionately target minority voters.
Due to COVID-19 safety concerns, Gov. Gavin Newsome has ordered that every registered voter in California will receive a vote-by-mail ballot in the mail prior to the Nov. 3 general election (Note: The order faces a legal challenge, so keep an eye on news headlines). You’ll still be able to vote in person at polling centers.
For those working to ensure a strong voter turnout in swing states, ensuring that voters get a mail in ballot is a priority focus right now.
350 Bay Area Action has launched a federal elections campaign to flip the Senate and the White House. We call it Go Green! Vote Blue! Working with Flip the West, 350 Bay Area Action is targeting states that are winnable—states that can be flipped to Blue in their vote for president and the U.S. Senate. Climate action and climate justice are top agenda items for Democrats—so we’re targeting them and blue-leaning Independent voters.
Go Green! Vote Blue! phone callers are helping voters learn how to request a mail in ballot for late primaries and the national election in November. By joining this effort, you will be with like-minded volunteers passionate about the climate crisis for virtual phone bank parties via Zoom. You’ll learn how to call new voters in swing states who haven’t requested a mail-in ballot and urge them to sign up to vote by mail and actually vote in the November election.
All you need are a computer and cell phone for making calls. There will be 37 phone banks through the November election. Sign up here to make a difference and have some fun!
Let’s help make voting safe and easy for millions of Americans this November. Join us now in signing up new voters in key swing states to register to vote by mail. Go Green! Vote Blue!
By Dean Mayer