Helen is a challenger for an open seat on the Portola Valley Town Council. She is currently a Sustainability Analyst for Half Moon Bay and has worked for State Senator Josh Becker’s office. She has two Master’s degrees in urban planning and Public Administration, and, in addition to those mentioned, she has worked with the Monta Loma Neighborhood Association, Portola Valley Housing Element Committee, Mountain View Parks & Recreation, and with Congresswoman Anna Eshoo.
Formerly she was a Program Manager and Legislative Analyst for Green Foothills. She has deep experience in climate adaption, governance, stakeholder engagement and policy analysis.
Helen was the District Representative for Senator Becker’s office where she worked on numerous climate and sustainability efforts. This included securing funds for local carbon neutrality efforts and working with a coalition on a shoreline park in Burlingame. The Burlingame Shoreline Park project includes a sea-level rise demonstration project on a parcel owned by the State Lands Commission. Helen was instrumental in building a coalition of support with environmental groups, environmental justice organizations, labor unions, and electeds to support the effort.
Helen aims to make the decarbonization requirements for building standards more ambitious than what is currently required under Title 24 and supports the Air District “no NOx” rules to move away from polluting methane gas combustion appliances to clean systems for homes.
Website : www.helenforcouncil.org
Image credit: Helen Wolter campaign, used with permission
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