Rebecca is a challenger for one of the open seats on the Portola Valley Town Council. With a background in chemical and molecular biology, her career has primarily been in medical and nutrition arenas. Rebecca has served in numerous local capacities including the Portola Valley School District Bond Committee, Parks & Recreation Committee and the Town Center committees.
In addition, Rebecca Flynn has been on the Sustainability Committee for Portola Valley since 2017, where she works to promote solar, home electrification and sustainable building practices, and also formerly served on the Water Conservation committee from 2014-2017.
She fully electrified her home in 2023, supports building reach codes and the Air District “no NOx” rules to move to the region to clean appliances without methane gas combustion. Finally, as an ambassador in the “Switch is On” campaign, California’s statewide electrification education campaign, she works to inform residents of rebates and tax credits for electrification.
Website : rebeccaforpv.wixsite.com/2024
Image credit: Rebecca Flynn campaign, used with permission
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