Postcarding makes a difference in voter turnout

Three weeks to make the difference    

In these midterms, every vote counts as never before. There’s still time—three full weeks to send postcards to voters. We’re working with Activate America to send thousands of postcards through October 25. They provide 350 Bay Area Action with the most current and thoroughly vetted voter lists.

Who can postcard

Anyone with a steady hand and an hour or so to spare can help make that crucial difference that can put someone like climate champion Christy Smith (CA27) over the top on November 8. In 2020, she lost to her opponent by just 333 votes.

Join us in handwriting and hand-addressing postcards to known voters in key races in California and elsewhere in the US. Our postcards reach out to people who voted in the last general election and whose votes are critically needed on November 8.

How to postcard

Request a list of 20 or more names and addresses from Lynne Baker, Postcard Campaign lead, at  You will receive clear, concise directions to prepare your postcards. Then simply fill out, stamp and mail. 

Need supplies?

Order supplies through the US Post Office, Etsy, or your local office supply. Here are the links.

  • Pre-stamped postcards are available from the US Post Office. A packet of 10 postcards is $4.90 (20 for $9.80). There are two designs: an azulillo flower and a mallard duck.
  • Postcard stamps are available in two designs. Stamps are 44 cents each or $8.80/20.
  • Delightfully designed voter postcards are also available online through Etsy.
  • Or purchase blank postcard-weight papers in perforated sheets at your local office supply.

Don’t forget the Why

One more reminder why we postcard: Postcarding makes a significant difference in turnout! With our democracy at stake, and in the midst of the Climate Emergency. every vote matters. Join us. Contact Lynne today. Once more, you can email her for your first twenty names and the how-to at