Berkeley City Council Special Election-D4: Igor Tregub

Smiling casually dressed man, with dark brown hair and glasses, wearing a blue and white plaid shirt and standing against blue sky while talking into a portable microphone
Berkeley City Council Special Election D4 Candidate Igor Tregub

Igor Tregub is a dedicated climate champion. Igor has boundless energy in the fight for clean energy and ending fossil fuels, and is a statewide leader in defending rooftop solar. 

He pledges to “make Berkeley the first carbon-free city in the nation, including expanding EV charging infrastructure, localized solar energy, battery storage, and microgrids–with an emphasis on helping renters and all those who have been left behind in the clean energy transition . . .  .”

And we believe that if anyone can do it, Igor can.

Igor has served as Chair of the Alameda County Democratic Party and the California Democratic Party’s Environmental Caucus, and as Chair of the Berkeley Zoning Adjustments Board, Housing Advisory Commission and Commission on Labor, as well as other public service positions. 

In his day job he continues his renewable energy work as Senior Policy Advisor for Reimagine Power.

Image credit: Igor Tregub campaign, used with permission


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