We Are Upping Our PhoneBanking Game: Help Make It Happen
Help us up our Go Green Vote Blue phone bank game—15,000 calls to voters in one week!
Help us up our Go Green Vote Blue phone bank game—15,000 calls to voters in one week!
“We have plenty of reason to be hopeful but no reason to be complacent.” – Robert Hubbell
Our work for climate action, equity, and democracy occurs on many fronts. Help keep it Blue in 2022.
How You and I Can Influence The November Election: An Interview With Andre Charles, Activate America’s Political and Data Director This month, Go Green Vote Blue (GGVB) is targeting Will Rollins, candidate for US Congress in California, and Senate candidate
Five Reasons to Get Involved in the 2022 Midterms Now! Do you feel anxious when you look around you at all the issues in the US today? The recently leaked plan to overturn Roe V Wade, voter suppression, the wave
Nathan Diaz Legorreta (he/him) is a campaign strategist and community organizer. In his field manager role at Activate America, Nathan is providing excellent support to our Go Green Vote Blue phone banking efforts. 350 Bay Area Action interviewed Nathan in
Our 2022 Postcard Outreach in collaboration with Activate America began on Tuesday, March 15th. Postcarding makes a difference in voter turnout. A brief, positive, personalized, legible message that invites voters to take action is key, as is signing the card
For Janani Ramachandran, putting more electric cars on the road is not enough, unless we also boost environmentally sound options for people who use public transportation. With a deep commitment to environmental justice, for Janani, the Green New Deal must take
GOVERNOR NEWSOM RECALL ELECTION: SEPT 1, 2021 / MAIL-IN BALLOTS START: AUG 16, 2021 350 Bay Area Action, the Sierra Club, and other major environmental organizations are strongly opposed to the recall of Governor Newsom. As environmentalists, we must understand that this
In case you were wondering “does working as environmentalists to impact electoral politics matter?”, it does. In five months since his inauguration, Biden has rejoined the Paris agreement and announced ambitious goals for cutting U.S. greenhouse gas pollution in half